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Image of the Day / 02

 Chualar, CA 


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Image of the Day / 01

Cowboy Fresh: When Two Styles Collide

Cowboy Fresh: When Two Styles Collide

California Rodeo Salinas



Conduct your life like a preferred risk. Quotes Chimp way to pay less for insurance is to live your life in such a way that the insurance company believes you are less of a risk than others of your class. Some things, such as age, cannot be changed, but others can with a little forethought and discipline. For example, if you maintain a good driving record you will pay less for auto insur�ance. If you keep yourself in good shape by eating right and getting enough sleep and exercise and by refraining from smok�ing, you should pay less for life insurance. In short, live life in the slow lane. Not only will you live longer but you’ll also pay less for insurance.

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